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Focus on Self Care during the Holidays

Dec 01, 2019

As a parent, we have a lot of responsibilities and likely spend much of our time caring for our children, our families, or others. Our commitments typically only increase due to all the activities that come along with the holiday season. This can include attending more gatherings, decorating, shopping for gifts, preparing meals, or getting our homes ready for family and friends visiting.

However, if we take time to fill our own cup first, we can perform these activities and serve others from a place of overflow. This allows us to enjoy all that comes along with the holidays to a much greater extent.

What is it that fills your cup? It may include taking an afternoon, or even an entire day to do something just for yourself, like reading, golfing, sleeping, art, or getting a message.

The time you invest in yourself can pay incredibly dividends and help increase your enjoyment level and pay the joy forward for others!