In the US, the Fourth of July 4th, also known as Independence Day, is a federal holiday that celebrates America’s gaining independence from Britain with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
We celebrate this holiday with parades, barbeques, and fireworks because...
Today, Autism is a very stigmatized diagnosis. I’m sure as a Parent or Caregiver of someone diagnosed with Autism, you already know this. All you have to do is to look at the current employment rate for individuals with Autism, research the diagnosis online to see how it is defined, or even...
When Pier and I first met it was love at first sight and we felt that we had each met our soul mate. Eventually, we got married and started to create our Green Zone Life, filled with joy, fun, excitement and adventure. We each had budding careers, purchased our first home and had plans for a...
As 2021 ends, it's a good time to reflect on what's happened in the past year and use it to gain more clarity about what we want to create for ourselves in the New Year. Many call this setting New Year's resolutions or intentions.
There is a lot of power in setting intentions. ...