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Should we stay stuck in the Stigma around Autism?- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

Today, the stigma of Autism is alive and well! All we need to do to verify this is to Google the word “Autism” to see the results. Almost everything related to autism defines it by its challenges and negative outcomes. Things such as high unemployment rates, low independent living...

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Focus On Autism’s “Uniqabilities”- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

When we think about Autism, our minds will typically go to the challenges that the diagnosis brings. The reason for this is because what we read and see on-line as well as through the media is typically slanted towards the challenges of the diagnosis vs. what we call it’s...

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Find the Gifts in the Challenges- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

Dear Shifter,

In life, we all face challenges. It’s part of the human experience. Believing that challenges should not be happening in our lives can cause us to suffer, as denial doesn’t allow us to fully accept what is happening. That’s where we spent much of our time after we...

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Create a Green Zone Life- by Vicky Westra autism employment neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking vickywestra wellbeing

When Pier and I first met it was love at first sight and we felt that we had each met our soul mate. Eventually, we got married and started to create our Green Zone Life, filled with joy, fun, excitement and adventure. We each had budding careers, purchased our first home and had plans for a...

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Think about What You are Thinking About Blog- by Vicky Westra neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

Most of us allow thoughts to drop into our minds randomly, without any control over what we are thinking. Our minds spend a lot of time replaying what has already happened, almost like a movie playing in our heads. Often, it’s a movie we wouldn’t particularly want to see again,...

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Invite Stillness into your Day through Meditation- by Vicky Westra neurodiversity positive thinking wellbeing

Our lives can become so busy with the day in and day out activities that we either have to take care of or choose to spend our time doing. Sometimes, this leads to feeling like we are on a hamster wheel going through the motions, but not really taking time to just be still. I often have to remind...

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Acceptance of Where You are Are- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

One of my favorite mantras today is “I am where I am” or “It is what it is”.

That wasn’t always the case, as I remember a time in my life where I was railing against what I felt was happening to me. When we first received the diagnosis of Autism for our daughter...

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Are you ready to set NEW intentions for 2022?- by Vicky Westra autism employment neurodiversity neuroshifts vickywestra wellbeing

As 2021 ends, it's a good time to reflect on what's happened in the past year and use it to gain more clarity about what we want to create for ourselves in the New Year.  Many call this setting New Year's resolutions or intentions.


There is a lot of power in setting intentions. ...

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4 Ways to Create More Autistic Joy- by Becca Lory Hector autism empowerment neurodiversity neuroshifts positive thinking wellbeing

It is ridiculous how time seems to speed up when you aren’t looking. One day it’s January and then all of sudden, you look up and it’s December. Since I make every effort to value time, I can’t stand it when that happens. It makes me feel like we spend way too much time...

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Accept What Is- by Vicky Westra autism neurodiversity neuroshifts wellbeing

Wherever we are on our journey, we will have to get to a place of acceptance of what is before we can move in the direction of creating is the life that we want.

I spent many years in denial, wishing my situation wasn’t what it was. “Having a diagnosis of Autism for my daughter...

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Testimonial- Meet Alejandro, a former student of ours here at Neuroshifts. testimonials wellbeing

Alejandro was born in California, however his family moved back to Venezuela (their country of origin) while Alejandro was still young. He lived in Venezuela for most of his life until 2016, when they moved him to Tampa due to the political environment in Venezuela. Today, Alejandro is bilingual...

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Testimonial- Meet Remmick, a former Artistas Cafe barista and current Neuroshifts Team Member testimonials wellbeing

Diagnosed with autism at a very young age, Remmick has struggled to understand himself and finding his own voice growing-up.

During High School and into college he would volunteer at the Florida Aquarium on weekends as he is passionate about zoology and marine life in particular. Receiving his...

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